5 dic 2008

animation gnomon maya

Gnomon Workshop - Character Animation 3 : Animating Your First Scene

The art of character animation is about telling story through acting. This lecture covers the setup of a two-character scene that includes a simple character, with few keyable attributes, and a complex character with many keyable attributes. We will approach setting major key poses, moving holds, extremes, overlap and contact positions together with adding and freeing tangent weight on function-curves. Inbetweens are also used to control the contrast and spacing of movement in our animation. The end result is a fully realized scene that is believable and sophisticated.
Topics Covered:
Focusing on Story
Setting-up Poses
Hiding Keys
Moving Holds
Contact Positions
Adjust Timing and Spacing
Overlapping Action and Weight
Using the Graph Editor
F-Curve Tangent Weights
01: Introduction
02: Getting Started
03: Storytelling Poses
04: Homing Positions
05: Timing and Spacing
06: Simple Shapes
07: Contacts
08: Overlap
09: Tie it Down
10: Credits
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Gnomon Workshop - Character Animation 2 : Animating Bi-peds

In this lecture we will begin to understand the gaits of certain bipeds and how studying their movement will enable us to give our characters propulsion and weight. We will learn how overlapping action can be achieved via offsetting keyed attributes on the timeline and in the graph editor. Furthermore, it is important for our characters to have personality – we will explore ways of bringing ‘life’ to the animation. Finally, we will cover techniques and approaches that enable us to work faster and cleaner by only setting keys on appropriate channels.
Topics Covered:
Adjusting Weight on F Curves
Copy and Paste Keys
Breakdown Keys
Applying weight to movement
01: Introduction
02: Stride Positions
03: Overlap on Body
04: Arms, Body Twist
05: Walking with Personality
06: Walking in a Shot-Cam
07: Credits
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Gnomon Workshop - Character Animation 1 : Fundamentals

This lecture is an introduction to character animation. We will see how in applying the basic principals of animation to both a bouncing ball and a jumping character, we will achieve scenes that have both dynamic movement and weight. We use the graph editor to set keyframes and manipulate them in time and space, while developing an understanding of how to read a function curve. Essential demonstrated skills include how to adjust animation in-betweens, how to offset movement, how to hide keys and how to efficiently utilize the timeline.
Topics Covered:
Animation Principles
Using Keyframes
Timing and Spacing
The Graph Editor
Key Tangents
Offsetting Keys
Hiding Keys
Cut/Copy/Paste Keys
Applying Weight to Objects
01: Introduction
02: Getting started
03: Curves and In-Betweens
04: Finishing the ball
05: Gnoman Rig
06: Setting up the Jump
07: Overlap
08: Finishing touches
09: Credits
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